What to do if you want to Stop Unwanted Calls and SMS?
I will explain to you how you can get your self-register for the Do Not Disturb(DND) service to block this unwanted item.
Firstly, this rules and regulation were going to take effect from the 1st February 2011 but due to some problem that was not done but now from 27 September 2011 you can enjoy this benefit and get completely free from this annoying thing.
The people or I can say Consumer have to option to select that either they have to stop receiving this call and SMS completely or partially? Now it depends on individual thinking. So just read out the article and select as per your need what you want to do?
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First Choice To Opt For Fully Blocked Category:
In this category, you will be not receiving any kind of SMS or telemarketing call on your registered mobile number. Your number will be completely blocked from all this activity and that actually is quite good(Personal Opinion) so to activate or to opt for this fully blocked service do the following thing and you are done :
By SMS :
You can activate this by sending a normal SMS, just type “START Your_Option” and send it to “1909”
For Fully Blocked SMS: “START 0” and send it to “1909” [0 – Zero]
By Call :
You can also activate this by just dialing 1909 and follow the instruction by the operator and you will be done.
Secondly, You Can Opt For Partially Blocked Category:
By SMS :
Here also you can use either SMS service or Phone service to activate or Deactivate the DND services. Below is the list of options that you can opt for.
0: Fully Blocked.
1: For Banking and Financial.
2: Real Estate.
3: Education.
4: Health.
5: Consumer Durables / Goods.
6: Communication/ IT/ Broadcasting.
7: Tourism.
So If you want to receive an only call or SMS related to Education then you can send :
“START 3” to “1909” than other services will be blocked and you will only receive calls and SMS related to education only.
If you want multiple options than you can send :
“START OP_1,OP_2” to “1909” [OP_Num : The Option Number]
By Call:
The Same thing you can do by calling to 1909 and get your self-register.
How to De-activate This Service?
In the future, if you want to De-Activate this service then you can send the following Message :
“STOP” to “1909”
And your service for Do not disturb will get De-activated.
Other Options To Activate The Do Not Disturb Services:
As I mentioned above you can activate the DND by other options also:
By Calling Customer Care:
You can activate this by calling your Customer care number or by simply calling “1909” and follow the instruction provided by the operator.
By Website Of Your Service Provider:
You can also contact your service provider through their Website.
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